Costas Kougioumtzoglou

Letter of the Director


Take more than 50 years of experience in the field of tourism (from bell boy to hotel manager and teacher of hotel vocational schools), add tourism studies in Rhodes (Greece) and Glion (Switzerland), mix-in seven languages, spice with the desire to live, care for a family and progress on a relatively small, beautiful, hospitable and peaceful island, and you have the perfect ingredients from which to create a friendly, highly professional and caring travel service in Greece in general and Kos in particular.

The result is NOSTALGIA TRAVEL, a travel company in Kos, which has rapidly established itself as a dynamic and innovative Incoming Representative, with Congress, Conference and Incentive Organizing as our specialty.

Every new season is a greater season, for we do love what we do in Nostalgia Travel!

"Place Your Event in our hands, because we care
about success as much as You do!"

We look forward to hearing from you and being of service to you at all times, we wish you Health, Prosperity and Bon Voyage!

Sincerely yours,

Costas Kougioumtzoglou

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