The Asklepieion.

The Asklepieion of Kos was the best and the most famous of its time, to which many students of medicine and patients from all over the world flocked.
It is built on a panoramic position, at a height of 100 meters above sea level, it covers a large area and is wrapped in the greenery of the grove in which it lies, which was dedicated to Apollo of the Cypresses and was considered sacred, hence according to Pausanias (5 xx II,7) "women who enter the enclosure can neither die nor give birth".
It is situated four kilometers outside the modern capital of the island.

View of the 1thterrace.

View from the Asklepieion at the 1th terras.

View from the 3th terrace of the Asklepieion.

View from the Asklepieion at the 3th terras.
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