
"Let us take the stress out of planning the wedding and honeymoon of your dreams."

Weddings on Kos Island.
Package Includes:
  • Civil wedding ceremony for 2-6 people.
  • Decoration of the wedding area including candles and flowers.
  • Bridal bouquet and groom's boutonniere.
  • All official paperwork with the municipal office.
  • Services of the justice of the peace and witnesses (if needed).
  • Services of a photographer with 50 photographs.
  • Wedding Cake for 2-6 people.
  • Bottle of Champagne.

Requirements from each of the 2 parties wishing to be married:
  • Full Birth Certificate, which must show the following:
    • Full Name,
    • Name of father and mother,
    • Mother's maiden name,
    • Place and date of birth,
    • Religion and Nationality.

  • Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage, (this is a Statutory Declaration), authorized by a notary public.

    The certificate must contain the following information:
    • The individual in question is unmarried,
    • The name of the person the individual in question intends to marry,
    • The approximate date of marriage.
    • Divorce Certificate (if applicable).

  • All of the above must be translated into Greek by an authorized and certified translation service. Afterward all these documents must be authorized by a Greek Embassy or Consulate.

Liebes Honeymoon-Highlights Team,

Unsere Hochzeit auf Kos war traumhaft schön!
Von der Organisation der Reise bis hin zur Hochzeit inkl. Candle-Light-Dinner hat alles nicht nur problemlos geklappt, sondern bei uns bleibende Erinnerungen hinterlassen.
Das Hotel Palladium können wir (für Ruhesuchende) ebenfalls uneingeschränkt weiter empfehlen - auch dort haben wir uns stets wohl gefühlt.

Vielen Dank!
Yvonne + Günter.

Hallo liebes Honeymoon-Highlights-Team,

Wir möchten uns recht herzlich für die unvergesslichen Tage auf Kos bedanken!
Angefangen vom Transfer über die Betreuung bis hin zur Trauung mit anschließendem Candle-light-dinner war alles sehr schön und liebevoll organisiert worden - wir haben uns stets gut aufgehoben gefühlt.

Viele liebe Grüße von Dani und Oli.

The Wedding Photographs.
Honeymoon - Weddings.
Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings.
Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings.
Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings.
Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings. Honeymoon - Weddings.

Honeymoon - Weddings.
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For more information, do not hesitate to contact us!

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